Friday, November 12, 2010

If God be for us, who can be against us?

I am finding that Romans 8:28-31 is a lot harder to walk out than I thought. Why is that when you choose not to take on the practices of the land (Deuteronomy 18:9), you immediately have contention, strife, and conflict. No one wants to hear about your faith and how you would rather trust and believe in GOD than believe in something man made. Am I being the witness that HE wants me to be? I haven't been as up front with my faith as I would like to be. Part of me wants to walk in and announce "My faith in HIM is what keeps me healthy. HE is perfect and would have no need for anything man made. HIS healing is spiritual and physical. Man made "cures" just "band aid" the symptom(s) - it doesn't heal the problem." Disobedience is what makes people sick and have ailments whether it is something that is generational or something that you personally came into agreement with that is not of HIM. This has been truly one of the hardest tests I have faced. My initial thought is to leave and run away. What is that going to prove? If I am going to be a witness to everyone around me, then I have to stay. HE has put me here for a reason. This is a lesson for me as well as whomever I am to affect. Stay strong and be diligent. There are more people who agree with my perspective than I know. They just feel threatened by those who set down the rules. How is HE using me? What is my role in this situation? I can honestly say, "I don’t know". I have never taken the time to ask. I have spent more time complaining and taking it personally (feeling attacked) and having the poor me syndrome. I need to remember that HE is in charge. HE has allowed this to happen. This is not about me (well, not in the way that I thought). HE tests us to see how we will rely on HIM to get us through. My faith is stronger and bigger than I know - I just have to know in my heart how strong it is. Matthew 26:41 states "Watch and pray that ye not enter into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Wow, does this scripture apply to me. Temptation is not always something lustful. Temptation can be your anger flaring, constant complaining, or just allowing your emotions to go outside of what HE wants you do and think. Seeing someone and having the attitude "She never does any work" or "He always gets his way" is allowing those negative emotions to stay stirred up. This is exactly what the enemy wants. All the enemy wants is for you to take your eyes off of HIM.  Ha Satan also knows and can see when HE is going to test you. How do I take control of my emotions and not let people or situations get to me? Being in constant prayer. Keeping your mind and your heart focused on the LORD will help you. The Lord could have you in a situation for one day or for 10 years. You have to be diligent and walk it out no matter how long you have to be there. I have also realized that the people around me don't understand my faith - even if they are believers. You can tell anyone that you believe in HIM or that you are a Christian. But what does that really mean? There are different levels of believing. I have to stay true to what I feel HE wants me to do (Deuteronomy 5:32). It may seem like I am doing the hardest thing possible instead of taking the easy way out. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Be still. Stay quiet I AM here with you.

Have you ever been in a situation and in your mind you are wondering, "Where did this come from?" Or the most common reaction, "Why me?" Most of the time its the Holy Spirit in you fighting with the darkness inside of someone else. HIS word states that he will put us through situations as a test - a test to see how close we are to HIM and how much we will rely on HIM. Sometimes we see the situation head on. There are other times when we are caught off guard, or taken by suprise. What do you do? How do you handle yourself? Most of the time we take the attack personally. This is exactly what the enemy wants - he wants you to doubt, have fear, or stir up bitter emotions about that person or situation. That is never what HE wants. HIS word says over and over again "Fear not for I AM with you." (Isiah 41:10). In an instant just remembering that scipture should bring you peace. A peace that can make you smile and be silent. HE will give us what we need to handle that person or situation.

Keeping the anger or bitterness in your heart will lead to other downfall's in your life. Basically you end up taking on that persons or that situatuions darkness. Light and darkness can not dwell together. Which would you rather be full of? You are only broken if you let someone or something break you. Who would you rather be broken by? HIM or someone or something that you are not supposed to fear in the first place.

Romans 8:28-31 states "If GOD before us who can be against us." Jesus was quiet when he was questioned before his crucufiction because he knew who was with him.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Going Back to the Garden

Romans 3:23 states "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD". How big is short? How far have we really fallen? Genesis 3:9-10 states "And the Lord GOD called unto Adam, and said unto him, "Where are thou?" And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself." Adam and Eve are the only two human beings who truly know what it looks like and what it feels like to be naked. They saw in an instant how big short is - or how far we have truly fallen. According to the definitions of naked are: being without clothing or covering; without the customary covering, container, or protection; defenseless; unprotected; exposed; exposed to view or plainly revealed.

 When Adam and Eve fell, they dropped suddenly to a lower position and they lost a level of covering and protection which left them exposed and plainly revealed. This is why in Genesis 3:10 Adam states that he was afraid.

 How do we get back to the garden? 2010 is a long way from the garden both chronologically and spiritually. One of the first things we can do to find our way back, is to ask HIM where to start. We all have a path that HE wants us to walk. The path leads back to the garden. The reason it leads back to the garden is because the garden's name was Eden which means paradise. Eden was perfect. It was probably the closest thing to heaven on earth. There was no sickness, infertility, or "hard times." YHVH walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). This means that HE was with them in a way that we have never seen. Adam's job was to maintain the growth and development of the garden. Eve's job was to correspond to her husband - meaning she was supposed to be in agreement with and provide what ever was necessary to accomplish a task. Basically she was to be in harmony with Adam. Remember at this point they are still perfect. So there is no such thing as an argument, or not agreeing. Eve was in such a harmonious state with Adam that she could probably (no pun intended) read his mind. He didn't have to ask her certain questions - she already knew what to do and it was done.

What was in garden that is not here now? When I think of paradise, I think of a place where everything is peaceful and tranquil. There is no pain and suffering. The word "work" doesn't have the same meaning that is has now. As an unmarried woman what is my "job" supposed to be. Our job is being prepared (Matthew 25:1-13). The five virgins that had their lamps ready to go showed physically what they represented spiritually. They had light or the WORD so the bridegroom could see that they were different. They didn't blend in with everyone else. They were set apart. The five virgins who didn't have the oil to light their lamps represented the world. They were unprepared. They were not focused on their "work" in the way they should've been. This is why they wanted the oil of the five virgins who were prepared. They wanted both worlds. When you are preparing for what YHVH has for you, you have to give up the world. You can't dance between two opinions (1 Kings 18:21).

There is only one way to get back to the garden (John 14:6). This will be a life changing decision. Your heart will change in ways you never thought were possible.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Different Stages of Life - Sophomore Year

Sophomore Year

Between the ages of 23-27 things change. This is officially your sophomore year. The club scene just doesn’t mean what it used to (or anything at all). You actually would like to meet a nice young man that would like to spend real quality time with you – not just sleep with you. You are ready for things to be different. You may still be dating the guy you met in college and would like to marry him – but he still doesn’t seem quite ready to marry you. In some cases this may be your husband. In other cases, its time to let him go. You need to find out who you are outside of him because everything that you have done up to this point has revolved around him. You see the clothes you wear as being ok not great. After all you bought these clothes when you were sixteen and they still fit. You can wear them another 2-3 years. Guys still view you the same way. At this age you view men differently which is the only change. Sophomore year also starts the process of weeding out or changing habits that you started in your freshman year. Your parents actually make sense. They know and understand more than you ever thought. You actually call them for advice instead of making mistake after mistake.

Towards the middle of your sophomore year which is the ages of 28-34 you want bigger and better things. It’s more than just a want; you actually go after it and get it. You are more determined at this age to live like your 30. The things that you bought ten years ago when you finally got your first real job is just not cutting it; and those things are falling apart and wearing out so you have to replace them anyways. Instead of furnishing your entire apartment with Target items – you only go there to buy certain things: socks, toilet paper, paper towels, DVD’s, etc.

The clothes you wear definitely change. You are trying to find a husband so looking like you just walked out of Forever 21 is not the look you are going for. The word “lady” actually means something to you. You view men differently mostly because you have been burned before so there are certain things you will absolutely not put up with. Your tolerance for nonsense and drama certainly is a bit higher – meaning you actually have a standard. Your biological clock starts ticking in this category. Marriage, kids, a house are things that you think about more often. A good percentage of your friends are married and have kids; you are just waiting for your turn. Clubs and bars – what are those? Why would I go to a place where half the people there have just turned 21 and the other half have fakes and snuck in. By the way your early 30’s is cleaning up the mess you made in your 20’s. Hopefully it won’t take the entire decade. You start thinking past the moment you are in. You realize there are consequences to your actions that can affect more than just yourself.

The end of sophomore year are ages 35-38. By this time you have met a really wonderful man. Not just anyone, your husband. Your "gut" tells you, "he is not like anyone else".  You could have met Mr. Right in the 30-34 age range as well. The following still applies.  This is mostly because you see the heart of the man and not just his six-pack stomach, his car, etc. You are guarded and cautious. You ask questions instead of sleeping with him by the 2nd or 3rd date. This is the age where men actually see you. They don't just see "she's hot." Don't get me wrong they see your body and how you look, but they want a relationship that's more fulfilling, so they work harder and try to get to know you.  They actually are tired of the club seen and hopping from woman to woman. Their heart changes. Something tells them "don't let this one get away." As mind blowing as this sounds, that thought has never crossed their mind before. Everything is going great and you are ready for a ring. Don't pressure him. Let him propose when he is ready. You will know if he is the type of man that wants to get married (that conversation should've happened on the first or second date). Have realistic expectations of the relationship. Do not try to change him to suit you or your lifestyle. Don't rush out and get into a relationship just because you see all of your friends have gotten married. You will end up settling and the consequences of that are much farther reaching than you know. Learn the difference between submission and compromise - they are very different. Be patient with the transitional phases of your life. You will get there. Not to cut it short, there are many lessons to learn in sophomore year.  Junior year is just around the corner and maybe harder than your 30’s. How will being in my 40's be any different than my 30's? Just wait and see..........

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Different Stages of Life - Freshman Year

Do you women of today know how to be ladies? The definition of a lady according to is:
"a women who is refined, polite and well-spoken" 

Freshman Year

Young ladies ages 12-17. At this age you are a freshman. You are young and think you know it all. This is the age where you where the short-shorts, mid-drift shirts and what ever else you can buy in the junior department at any store. You think you look so good. You can spend $20-$30 dollars and get outfits (not just one!) makeup, and perfume. This age is one of the most critical. This age can be influenced the most by the next age category 18-22. At this age the word “lady” definitely has no meaning. You are just happy to be able to go out with your friends and have a good time. If a boy finds you attractive, you are just so giddy you really don’t even realize how you look and he doesn’t either. This is the age where your parents can’t possibly know or understand you and have absolutely no idea of what you are going through. Ask them for advice – yeah right that’s never going to happen.

Then you progress to age group 18-22. Legally you are officially an adult. If you are 21 then you can drink legally without getting into trouble. You think you are invinsible. You have no idea that your actions, can cause health issues (or any other type of issue) later in life (junior year).  This age is still like 12-17 – you still dress the same you just hang out in more “adult” places. Going to the club is most of your weekend plans. You go out during the week and come home at and still get up by to go to work. Guys still hit on you the same way and you are still just as clueless as you were at 12-17. Being a lady still does not mean anything. The real difference at this age is you may be in college, or be moved into your first apartment. Basically you don’t have your parents breathing down your back making sure that you clean your room and that you’re home before curfew. You have your first “real” adult relationship ("you la him" and you've never been so sure about anything in your life) – you know when you date a guy that is just as immature as you, but is 5-8 years older than you are. You think you are in love and that he is the one. He tells you that are beautiful and that you are the only one for him – until you find out he is seeing some one else. The entire time the other woman has been there, you were too foolish to listen to your gut feeling. Or he proposes to you and you accept, but you have no idea who you are and what marriage is. You are just so excited to buy a pretty white dress. This is also the age where you are either still dating the same guy you dated in high school or you met a new guy in college who helps you to get over the ex-high school boyfriend and you stay with the new boyfriend until you are 25-27. Freshman year is also the time in your life when you do to much for him. This means that you put up with more than you should because you think you are "helping" him. Anytime a 27-32 year old man dates a 18-22 year old woman - that is a clear sign that he is not willing to try. He may think that you are nice and pretty but that is it. He is with you because you are easy. Easy game. At this age you will put no demands on him and he knows it.  This type of relationship happens more often than it should. In very, very few cases the relationships actually do work out. Don't worry ladies, sophomore year is better - just wait and see!

Talking to Your Parents

Boy is it hard being a young lady (or a young person in general) in today's society. There are so many different things coming at you from all areas. Your parents, friends, teachers, T.V., etc. Who is right? Most people would say listen to your parents. But what if your parents are doing things or acting in a way that is completely inappropriate? Then who do you turn to? Young women are supposed to learn how to act like a lady from their mother. Don't get me wrong, their fathers have just as much of a strong presence in their life too, but what they learn from their fathers is different. This message today is geared to the beginners of woman hood; ages 12-18. First things first - you have to talk to your parents. I know at this age your parents couldn't possibly know or understand you. Trust me, they do. Remember they were you age once. Maybe they grew up in another town or faced different situations, but they still viewed what ever their situation was (at that time) the same way you view your situation now. There was still peer pressure in their day - that hasn't changed. I will say that young people now days are faced with  more challenges than in past  generations.

Talikng with your Parents

How do you talk with your parents openly? Do you have parents that you can be open with? If your answer is "no" to the second question then, there are alot of things that need to happen so that both sides can effectively communicate. If you answered "yes" to the second question, then you have it easier then those who answered "no".

Those who answered "no" will need to answer one very important question. Why do you feel that have parents that you can not talk to? There are probably a variety of answers that will come from answering this question.

For those who answered "yes", let's start with how you think you should bring up the situation. One of the easiest ways is to make sure that your parents have your undivided attention. No distractions such as the T.V., cell (yes this means absolutely no texting) or house phone, computer, and, other people. Also, try to catch your parents when they have had a moment to relax.You know the best time to approach them. Don't ask them to talk when they are walking out of the door going to work; or right when they get home from work or running errands. They could have sat in rush hour traffic for two hours and had a long day. Simply state "Dad & Mom, I know just got home from work, but when you have a second I would like to talk to you." Or, "After dinner could we sit down and talk for a moment, I have some things I need to talk about." Their first instinct and question for you will be, "Is everything ok?" When addressing your parents give good eye contact.  This shows that you are serious without being disrespectful and, that you are not ashamed about what you are about to tell them. Being respectful is very important - remember they are your parents and not one of your friends.


So far I have only spoken about your actions and how you should handle yourself. Parents have a responsibility in the speaking with you too. First you as the parent should be open to talk to your children about everything. If you as the parent have a child or children that you feel that you can not talk to, then there are a lot of things there that  need to be addressed. Here are some questions that you may have to ask yourself:

1. At what point did you feel you lost the ability to effectively speak to your children?
2. What is your daily schedule like? Are you working many hours for various reasons? Do you make other people or things a priority in your life other than your children?
3. Have your children been prodigal? Have been giving your children correct guidance time and time again and at this point you are tired of talking?
4. Have you made any big changes in your life without discussing it with your children? I know that this question has a fine line.
5. Are you trying to be a parent or a friend to your children? Remember they attend a school full of their friends. When they come home they need to know that you are still Dad and Mom.

Communication is vital to the growth and proper development of your children. If we want our daughters to grow into young ladies then we need to know what they think and why. As a parent who do we turn to when we don't know how to help our children? The answer to this is the Lord through prayer. You might say "Here we go again. Someone who is preaching to me about the Lord." That is absolutely correct. Having a relationship with HIM is the best thing we can do for ourselves and for our children. The Lord allowed you to have your children for a reason. Proverbs 22:6 states "Train the youth according to is way; even when he grows old, he will not swerve from it." It is a blessing that we are able to have our children. It is our job to show HIM that we appreciate that blessing by guiding and directing our children properly. It 's not always easy and it takes time. Kids go through changes and attitude adjustments and what ever life throws their way. Here is the best picture I can paint for you. Imagine a baseball game. The pitcher on the mound is called life. He has the ball and is throwing fast balls, curve balls and whatever other balls he can throw at whatever speed directly toward you as the parent and at your children. The batter is your children. They are always up to bat. Waiting for those balls to be thrown, not knowing what those balls will be. Parents we are the catcher. We are right there behind them catching whatever life throws at them. That is our job no matter how old our children get. The referee standing right next us the entire time, is the Lord. HE is there to see it all. And he will always make the proper call (or judgment; good or bad). Pray with your children and encourage them to pray. They may not want to at first, but the more you pray the more they will pray. Your children will do what they see you do. That is why it is extremely important how you act and the things you say.

Getting back to the main idea
Young ladies I haven't forgotten about you. I just wanted to shed some light of some of the things your parents should be doing that will help you to communicate with them and for them to communicate with you. You should also have a prayer life. The Lord will show you anything you need to see. Remember HE is all knowing and you were created in HIS image. HE knows what you need. 

 Hopefully this gives you a good foundation of where to start. This maybe easier said then done. Your parents love you and want the best for you.   

"Wait.....I know what you need."

Waiting is one of the hardest things for anyone to do. How do yo know when to pursue what you are waiting for? The definition of wait according to "is to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as until something expected happens; (of things) to be available or in readiness." Most of the time we get so impatient that we think "if i just...." then we are helping. Usually that back fires, big time. This means you are do to nothing - no actions are required at this point. Then what do you do while you wait? Turn your attention to something that you need focus on. Most of the time the LORD has us waiting on one thing so that you we can focus on the one thing HE wants us to pay attention to at that time. As scripture states "HE knows the desires of your heart" . Don't worry about getting married, or that guy you really want to get to know, or the new job, house, car etc. Having those things are really exciting and take a lot of work to get, but maybe thats not what you are to have right now. The Lord could be showing and telling you "I know that you would like to get married, but first I need for you to focus on......" That new car (or new to you) is the car you have always wanted and is a really great price, low miles, great financing options, has all the bells and whistles; as amazing as this all sounds -it's not for you. Besides you already have a car that is running fine. It may be older with high miles, but the maintenance is not breaking the bank. With HIM everything has an appointed time - even buying a car. There maybe a better deal out there which is why he is having you wait. The nice young man that you have eyes for - maynot be the best fit for you. HE sees your heart and the heart of that man. What if you have an unexpected expense that comes up? Right now you don't know about but HE does. Waiting is hard when you focus on it. What does HE want you focus on? What are areas of your life that you have let go of? Not intentionally, but in your mind you tell yourself  "I'll get to it later." Those are areas that HE wants to you to take the time to work on. The more you take time to seek HIM out, the more things in your life will change. You will notice that you may have a little more patience or that certain people don't frustrate you they way they used to. When you go to work time goes by easier. One day as your going along you meet someone or you find a phenomenal car deal, it could be anything. That means that it is time for those things. HE has allowed you to know receive one (maybe more than one) of the desires of your heart. Everything will fall into to place. We have to remember that HE has all the time in the world. HE wants us to wait because HE knows what we need. Be patient and wait on HIM - the outcome will definitely exceed your expectations.