Do you women of today know how to be ladies? The definition of a lady according to is:
"a women who is refined, polite and well-spoken"
"a women who is refined, polite and well-spoken"
Freshman Year
Young ladies ages 12-17. At this age you are a freshman. You are young and think you know it all. This is the age where you where the short-shorts, mid-drift shirts and what ever else you can buy in the junior department at any store. You think you look so good. You can spend $20-$30 dollars and get outfits (not just one!) makeup, and perfume. This age is one of the most critical. This age can be influenced the most by the next age category 18-22. At this age the word “lady” definitely has no meaning. You are just happy to be able to go out with your friends and have a good time. If a boy finds you attractive, you are just so giddy you really don’t even realize how you look and he doesn’t either. This is the age where your parents can’t possibly know or understand you and have absolutely no idea of what you are going through. Ask them for advice – yeah right that’s never going to happen.
Then you progress to age group 18-22. Legally you are officially an adult. If you are 21 then you can drink legally without getting into trouble. You think you are invinsible. You have no idea that your actions, can cause health issues (or any other type of issue) later in life (junior year). This age is still like 12-17 – you still dress the same you just hang out in more “adult” places. Going to the club is most of your weekend plans. You go out during the week and come home at and still get up by to go to work. Guys still hit on you the same way and you are still just as clueless as you were at 12-17. Being a lady still does not mean anything. The real difference at this age is you may be in college, or be moved into your first apartment. Basically you don’t have your parents breathing down your back making sure that you clean your room and that you’re home before curfew. You have your first “real” adult relationship ("you la him" and you've never been so sure about anything in your life) – you know when you date a guy that is just as immature as you, but is 5-8 years older than you are. You think you are in love and that he is the one. He tells you that are beautiful and that you are the only one for him – until you find out he is seeing some one else. The entire time the other woman has been there, you were too foolish to listen to your gut feeling. Or he proposes to you and you accept, but you have no idea who you are and what marriage is. You are just so excited to buy a pretty white dress. This is also the age where you are either still dating the same guy you dated in high school or you met a new guy in college who helps you to get over the ex-high school boyfriend and you stay with the new boyfriend until you are 25-27. Freshman year is also the time in your life when you do to much for him. This means that you put up with more than you should because you think you are "helping" him. Anytime a 27-32 year old man dates a 18-22 year old woman - that is a clear sign that he is not willing to try. He may think that you are nice and pretty but that is it. He is with you because you are easy. Easy game. At this age you will put no demands on him and he knows it. This type of relationship happens more often than it should. In very, very few cases the relationships actually do work out. Don't worry ladies, sophomore year is better - just wait and see!
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