Sunday, October 24, 2010

Going Back to the Garden

Romans 3:23 states "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD". How big is short? How far have we really fallen? Genesis 3:9-10 states "And the Lord GOD called unto Adam, and said unto him, "Where are thou?" And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself." Adam and Eve are the only two human beings who truly know what it looks like and what it feels like to be naked. They saw in an instant how big short is - or how far we have truly fallen. According to the definitions of naked are: being without clothing or covering; without the customary covering, container, or protection; defenseless; unprotected; exposed; exposed to view or plainly revealed.

 When Adam and Eve fell, they dropped suddenly to a lower position and they lost a level of covering and protection which left them exposed and plainly revealed. This is why in Genesis 3:10 Adam states that he was afraid.

 How do we get back to the garden? 2010 is a long way from the garden both chronologically and spiritually. One of the first things we can do to find our way back, is to ask HIM where to start. We all have a path that HE wants us to walk. The path leads back to the garden. The reason it leads back to the garden is because the garden's name was Eden which means paradise. Eden was perfect. It was probably the closest thing to heaven on earth. There was no sickness, infertility, or "hard times." YHVH walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). This means that HE was with them in a way that we have never seen. Adam's job was to maintain the growth and development of the garden. Eve's job was to correspond to her husband - meaning she was supposed to be in agreement with and provide what ever was necessary to accomplish a task. Basically she was to be in harmony with Adam. Remember at this point they are still perfect. So there is no such thing as an argument, or not agreeing. Eve was in such a harmonious state with Adam that she could probably (no pun intended) read his mind. He didn't have to ask her certain questions - she already knew what to do and it was done.

What was in garden that is not here now? When I think of paradise, I think of a place where everything is peaceful and tranquil. There is no pain and suffering. The word "work" doesn't have the same meaning that is has now. As an unmarried woman what is my "job" supposed to be. Our job is being prepared (Matthew 25:1-13). The five virgins that had their lamps ready to go showed physically what they represented spiritually. They had light or the WORD so the bridegroom could see that they were different. They didn't blend in with everyone else. They were set apart. The five virgins who didn't have the oil to light their lamps represented the world. They were unprepared. They were not focused on their "work" in the way they should've been. This is why they wanted the oil of the five virgins who were prepared. They wanted both worlds. When you are preparing for what YHVH has for you, you have to give up the world. You can't dance between two opinions (1 Kings 18:21).

There is only one way to get back to the garden (John 14:6). This will be a life changing decision. Your heart will change in ways you never thought were possible.

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